Saturday, December 15, 2012

Floyd Lamb Plark at Tule Springs

Date: Sunday 12/9/12
Place: Floyd Lamb State Park at Tule Springs (About 15 miles north of downtown Vegas)
Sights: Lakes, fisherman, birds, kids chasing birds

Hey, Mr. Peacock stop following me.  I promise you I don't have any food!!! 

     Floyd Lamb is a wonderful oasis in North Vegas.  This park was filled with beautiful birds and lots of people fishing at the lakes. 


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Red Rock Redux

Today I ventured back to Red Rock Canyon, just outside of Las Vegas.  It was a beautiful day...not to many pictures...... my camera battery became exhausted. Gotta keep it charged!!!!!

Any birders in the house??? Is this a male house finch? 
You gotta keep on climbing!!
Desert Plants

Peace man....

The sun quickly disappears behind the mountain.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Birds, Birds and More Birds

Date: Saturday 11/24/12
Time: 8:00am
Place: City of Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Cost: The low-low free.

The preserve is an open area within the Kurt R. Segler Water Reclamation Facility just south of Las Vegas.  The birds just come and go as they please. Check out the website for more information.  I took a lot of pictures, here are a few of the better ones. 
 I did my best to identify the birds correctly.  This looks like an American Coot.
Check out the beautiful shade of green on the Mallard.
Ducks chillin' on rocks.
This is a Western grebe.

Here's a Common Moorhen flashing its red and yellow beak.

This was the first time I've seen a Cinnamon Teal.

Last but not least.....the Snowy Egret.